Rejection of the sinful world

              Although it was not expressed as sharply as in a significant portion of classic (especially Adventist) sects that the righteous had to reject the sinful world, it was not clarified what “rejection” meant in their case. Many were afraid of the appearance that they liked their occupation, job, coworkers, “worldly” sciences, or that they excessively bonded with their parents, relatives, former teachers and old friends. Work and studying as “Earthly things” were placed opposite with the “spiritual”. Those who left or were expelled spoke about this as follows: “Excessive spiritualism became a cover for laziness. While overemphasizing the spiritual we often neglected our Earthly obligations. We became irresponsible with our bodies and in our jobs. I suddenly disappeared from the life of many people (former classmates, friends, acquaintances, coworkers, religious community members), I coldly rejected my relatives and they were shocked by this” (Aranka).

“Visiting home was not prohibited, but they emphasized correct time management to the members. They said something like this: if the people at home cannot help any longer, if the parents do not appear to be open minded, visiting home is unnecessary. I experienced that many members missed home in their hearts, and some used trickery so they could go for a visit. Since there was no leadership, in reality there was nobody to talk to and ask for help in this subject” (Albert), „In hindsight I think that there were some situations when my parents would have really needed me, and I did not help them. This was not right, and in this the congregation’s attitude influenced me” (Péter). I consider neglecting charitable work, including helping those who were expelled, as one of the characteristic symptoms of rejecting the world.
